Yes Maté (ma-tay) is an energising sparkling tea for a clear, calm mind and is created for those who dread the post-caffeine jitters. Yerba Mate is a 'newer' natural energy supplement hitting the Australian market, so we were tasked with designing an approachable, friendly, and tempting product - in turn, making our consumers feel comfortable about buying and drinking a product that isn't widely distributed (yet).
To make Yerba Maté feel like an 'old friend', we designed the primary logo using a thick, bubbly serif typeface that sits comfortably within itself and it's shapes. The chummy logotype already tastes good, whilst being contrasted against a mono-style tagline, it's saying, 'we take our drink seriously, but not ourselves'. The packaging has been thoughtfully designed in a way that seamlessly combines scientific ingredients and a delicious drink, by using illustrations and witty copy to do so.
“Ally and her team helped us develop beautiful and thoughtful branding for our business, Yes Maté. It is in tune with our customer base, with so much personality - which has made the launch of our business a hell of a lot easier. Without having to say anything, people are immediately drawn to the branding and packaging. It's unique, simple and clear which has allowed us to stand out in the crowd in a saturated market. Thanks again legends!” – Yani, Founder
Brand Identity, Packaging, Collateral
Adelaide, SA, Australia
Illustrations by Kat Turner
Photography by Jack Fenby
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