Club Common Folk stands as more than a brand; it is a thriving community of extraordinary and down-to-earth individuals committed to creating a kinder world. At its core, this community comprises genuinely cool, like-minded individuals, bonded by a shared love for art, photography, and a collective disdain for hierarchical structures and ego.

We designed a lively, bold, and vibrant identity that serves as a visual embodiment of the diverse energy within Club Common Folk. Their branding not only mirrors the effortless style of the members but also captures the spirit of shared experiences, whether through events, exhibitions, discussions, or occasional parties, all free from the constraints of ego. Beyond its visual appeal, Club Common Folk is a haven for building meaningful connections. Here, friendships flourish, and members can rely on one another for support in times of need. It transcends being a mere ‘business’, evolving into a community that celebrates individuality, creativity, and kindness. Club Common Folk is not just a place to hang out; it's a welcoming space where people truly belong, embracing the idea that being nice is the coolest thing you can be. Welcome to a community that feels like home.

Brand Identity, Illustration, Social Media

Fremantle, WA, Australia⁠

Illustration by Leah Schultz

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Alleyway Designs is currently bouncing between Vancouver Island, Canada & Fremantle, Western Australia. We acknowledge and pay respect to the Lkwungen People and the Whadjuk People, the traditional custodians of both lands on which we work. Always was, always will be.
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